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Convert black and white photo to colour
For one or two, use the clone tool and clone in from around the blemish.

For lots of dust type dots you can use a (compiled) plugin called resynthesizer with its associated python plugin heal-selection see:  EDIT: I see you have already been there. Does it not work with your images?

For spots on a photograph: You will have to imagine this one for the speckles. While it is greyscale, easier to demo in RGB.

Bottom of the select menu is Toggle Quick Mask (shift-Q) That puts a mask over the image (default is red which does not show very well in greyscale) Using a small white FG brush, paint over the speckles. Looks like this:

When complete, toggle the quick mask off. (shift-Q again) and there are selections around the speckles.

Start the heal-selection plugin Edit -> Enhance -> Heal Selection settings depend on what you are doing, speckles typically: small width, All around, Inwards.

OK it and when complete, the speckles are replaced by adjacent pixels. Takes a little practice. Sometimes best, missing the odd speckle out and returning later to fix. Telephone lines for example best using "top & bottom" ...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Convert black and white photo to colour - by rich2005 - 04-16-2019, 02:17 PM

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