(02-27-2019, 06:46 PM)Trackon Wrote: I had the same issue of my Wacom tablet not showing up in the Input Devices. (Using windows 10, & GIMP 2.8.22).
Possible Fix: I changed the tablet's driver in the "Update Driver" area*; to "Device" from "Digitizer" it showed up in GIMP.
*in Windows Devices -> right click the Tablet -> Properties -> Hardware Tab -> select "HID compliant device" of the tablet -> Properties -> in General, click 'Change Settings' -> Driver -> Update Driver -> Browse Computer -> Let me Pick from List: HID-compliant Device.
(I forget if GIMP was running or not when I did this.)
I registered here just to thank you. THANK YOU TRACKON.
I would like to mention that I had to restart GIMP for it to work.
Windows 10 - GIMP 2.10.10 - Wacom Bamboo CTL-470