10-04-2019, 02:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2019, 02:37 PM by rich2005.
Edit Reason: typo
Quote:A reddit user shared a python script for batch removing alpha, but i got an error in 2.8 and a brownish background in 2.10...
From 2012 You did better than me, does not run in my linux Gimp(s) However the code uses pdb.gimp_layer_flatten so no different from that BIMP procedure.
Quote:@rich2005: not sure about your comment on exporting as .gbr, i can export multiple layers as .gbr with no problem (export layers py script)
It was just information concerning BIMP built-in procedures which has limited exporting formats : bmp , gif , ico , jpg , png , tga , tif , heif , webp
You can always export to jpeg and lose the transparency that way.
edit: Good fun this, better than a crossword