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Replicating A Paint Brush Like Effect using Gimp brushes
Im currently doing some work on a 3D model, for some texture work on the wooden puppet i wanted to create a texture that makes its face paint look like it was physically painted by someone using a paint brush, including the streaks and build up of paints that can occur.

IE like these

[Image: pink-paint-brush-stroke-21.png]


I have looked into brushes but the issues with those seems to be that the brushes are just a PNG of a brush stroke of my images above, and not something i can dynamically paint with to fit a shape.

So im wondering if there is anyway to recreate, or create a more dynamic brush that can create this type of effect when i paint with it?

Messages In This Thread
Replicating A Paint Brush Like Effect using Gimp brushes - by njrk97 - 10-20-2019, 04:50 AM

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