12-14-2019, 12:36 AM
Converseen - I use this app if there is a large batch ( 50 to over 1000++ ) of photos to change 12 x 9 jpg into 16 x 9 png
It can change size, format, replace transparent background, scale,flip, rotate, and do scroll to bottom left corner for the output options inc renaming
Best done with a duplicate copy of the batch of images -
only limit is the power, ram and swap of the hardware.
TAKE special care of the settings feature - check all the areas of the apps page, not all are on the left column.
Best done with a duplicate copy of the batch of images -
Better safe (with copied folder of images) than having ruined the originals because you (read that me (I know I have done this)) missed a setting and destroyed the batch.
It can change size, format, replace transparent background, scale,flip, rotate, and do scroll to bottom left corner for the output options inc renaming
Best done with a duplicate copy of the batch of images -
only limit is the power, ram and swap of the hardware.
TAKE special care of the settings feature - check all the areas of the apps page, not all are on the left column.
Best done with a duplicate copy of the batch of images -
Better safe (with copied folder of images) than having ruined the originals because you (read that me (I know I have done this)) missed a setting and destroyed the batch.