02-18-2020, 01:18 PM
Not exactly what you are asking for, taken from a photograph of some shingles. I like the irregular shapes rather than pure rectangles. Making a repeatable pattern can be a bit of an art but for a simple pattern Layer -> Transform -> Offset and width/2, height/2 will make it repeatable. (Does not always make the middle suitable but that is another story)
Then there is applying the pattern to an image. Unlike a brush, a pattern size is not immediately scalable, so that needs a transform tool. The unified-transform tool can make any corrections all in one go. All depends on the image.
My take on making and applying a pattern https://youtu.be/XMV0Kvv2Qy0 only 3 1/2 minutes so no great epic. Might be bits in there that you can use.
Not exactly what you are asking for, taken from a photograph of some shingles. I like the irregular shapes rather than pure rectangles. Making a repeatable pattern can be a bit of an art but for a simple pattern Layer -> Transform -> Offset and width/2, height/2 will make it repeatable. (Does not always make the middle suitable but that is another story)
Then there is applying the pattern to an image. Unlike a brush, a pattern size is not immediately scalable, so that needs a transform tool. The unified-transform tool can make any corrections all in one go. All depends on the image.
My take on making and applying a pattern https://youtu.be/XMV0Kvv2Qy0 only 3 1/2 minutes so no great epic. Might be bits in there that you can use.