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Help with exporting as PDF and loosing layout please?
Quote:I'm running GIMP 2.10.18. I've spent a long time making individual pages for a recipe book for charity and now that I've come to export them as PDFs for print the PDFs are not coming out with the layout. The main design I have on most pages is a curve shape drawn with path tool, filled in white, and in a layer group with a photo so that the photo (on multiply) fits inside the curve shape..

Hopefully I am reading that as each page is a layer group. If not then the idea is to get each page as a WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get.

To be honest, PDF's from Gimp are not wonderful, the Gimp 2.10 PDF text embedding is partially broken so it is best to flatten each page before exporting. 
You might do it like this: ( a quick made up couple of pages)

(1) Always work on a copy or have the original backed up somewhere.
(2) Flatten each layer group, either one at a time Layer -> Merge Layer Group or the attached script will bulk merge. 
Unzip and the script goes in C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\scripts


(3) Now export as a PDF, (with attention to page order reversal if required) Transparency does not matter, at least with Gimp PDF's it will be lost.
(4) As in my PDF viewer.


Quote:...and finally, it also gives black outlines to all of my shapes (boxes and bars) instead of just being flat.

I do not understand that. Can you post an example page.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Help with exporting as PDF and loosing layout please? - by rich2005 - 04-30-2020, 07:03 PM

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