05-06-2020, 02:33 PM
(05-06-2020, 01:40 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: It is my understanding that AppImages include their own version of libraries, which is one reason to use them. You can't compile/run Gimp 2.10 on Ubuntu 16.04 because it requires recent versions of some core libraries, and updating these would result in a dependency avalanche but an AppImage should work.
Some of the early Gimp 2.10 appimages failed. The current ones are very much hand built.
Then the occasional such as flowcharting application Dia. Works fine in a kubuntu 16.04 but in kubuntu 18.04 gives.
/tmp/.mount_lZvshV/usr/bin/dia: ../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng16.so.16)
Not a disaster and a try-out for Gimp 2.99 to see what might be in Gimp 3 - never worked for me.
I generally try and see.