yes, 2.10.18
Dragging and dropping pattern works. I had a transparent layer as the canvas. The output was nil. Then I tried with a layer with colour and got a pattern as the image.
I want to try Map - Tile options, but I am not sure how to do it. The bottom one works as it creates a separate tiled image, which has distinct borders.
Let us forget my button grade noise for the moment
Suppose I want to use Filters > Map > Tile seamless
I don't know how to select the tile image and then layer where I want. They are both in consecutive layers. I have the same issue with Map > resynthesise . I don't know how to tell source and target.
Another issue I got is that whatever I put in the patterns folder under .config> GIMP > 2.10 > patterns is not showing up as a pattern in GIMP. I tried .png and .pat, both fail to show up inside Pattern dialog.
@Ofnuts, I am still to try your suggestion as I was trying options one by one.
Successfully completed what I was looking for using
Edit > Fill with Pattern Seamless
I got lucky because if we copy the pattern image/layer , it will show among patterns as clipboard. I dragged and dropped it into resysthesise and completed the task. Happy and thanks. I will still try to learn the step I couldn't perform, if you don't mind.
Dragging and dropping pattern works. I had a transparent layer as the canvas. The output was nil. Then I tried with a layer with colour and got a pattern as the image.
I want to try Map - Tile options, but I am not sure how to do it. The bottom one works as it creates a separate tiled image, which has distinct borders.
Let us forget my button grade noise for the moment
Suppose I want to use Filters > Map > Tile seamless
I don't know how to select the tile image and then layer where I want. They are both in consecutive layers. I have the same issue with Map > resynthesise . I don't know how to tell source and target.
Another issue I got is that whatever I put in the patterns folder under .config> GIMP > 2.10 > patterns is not showing up as a pattern in GIMP. I tried .png and .pat, both fail to show up inside Pattern dialog.
@Ofnuts, I am still to try your suggestion as I was trying options one by one.
Successfully completed what I was looking for using
Edit > Fill with Pattern Seamless
I got lucky because if we copy the pattern image/layer , it will show among patterns as clipboard. I dragged and dropped it into resysthesise and completed the task. Happy and thanks. I will still try to learn the step I couldn't perform, if you don't mind.