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Manjaro (Linux) mousewheel zoom possible?
(08-31-2020, 01:12 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: I think the plain mouse-wheel events are irremediably wired to scroll up/down the canvas. But AFAIK Ctrl-mousewheel is also irremediably wired to zoom in/out like in most other apps I use...

What are the current contents of  the controllerrc file in your Gimp profile?

Thanks for thinking. The file has the following content:

# GIMP controllerrc
# This file will be entirely rewritten each time you exit.

(GimpControllerInfo "Main Mouse Wheel"
    (icon-name "gimp-controller-wheel")
    (enabled yes)
    (debug-events no)
    (controller "GimpControllerWheel")
        (map "scroll-down-shift-primary" "tools-aspect-decrease")
        (map "scroll-down" "view-zoom-out")
        (map "scroll-up-shift-alt" "tools-angle-increase")
        (map "scroll-down-shift-primary-alt" "tools-spacing-decrease")
        (map "scroll-down-shift-alt" "tools-angle-decrease")
        (map "scroll-down-primary-alt" "tools-size-decrease")
        (map "scroll-up-shift-primary-alt" "tools-spacing-increase")
        (map "scroll-down-alt" "tools-opacity-decrease")
        (map "scroll-up-primary-alt" "tools-size-increase")
        (map "scroll-up-shift-primary" "tools-aspect-increase")
        (map "scroll-up" "view-zoom-in")
        (map "scroll-up-alt" "tools-opacity-increase")))
(GimpControllerInfo "Main Keyboard"
    (icon-name "gimp-controller-keyboard")
    (enabled yes)
    (debug-events no)
    (controller "GimpControllerKeyboard")
        (map "cursor-right-alt" "tools-size-increase")
        (map "cursor-left-shift" "view-scroll-page-left")
        (map "cursor-right-shift" "view-scroll-page-right")
        (map "cursor-up-shift" "view-scroll-page-up")
        (map "cursor-up-primary" "view-scroll-top-border")
        (map "cursor-down-primary" "view-scroll-bottom-border")
        (map "cursor-up-alt" "tools-size-increase-skip")
        (map "cursor-left-alt" "tools-size-decrease")
        (map "cursor-down-shift" "view-scroll-page-down")
        (map "cursor-right-primary" "view-scroll-right-border")
        (map "cursor-left-primary" "view-scroll-left-border")
        (map "cursor-down-alt" "tools-size-decrease-skip")))

# end of controllerrc


Messages In This Thread
RE: Manjaro (Linux) mousewheel zoom possible? - by Dsbbw2020 - 09-01-2020, 07:14 AM

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