09-18-2020, 10:38 PM
Hi All,
Not new to GIMP but never use it because I always hit a wall doing things almost immediately. I really want to learn this hench my question and not giving up.
I have an image, a .png file exported from Inkscape, that has the attached pics for 'Layers', 'Channels', and just a little of the actual image. From what I see and I think is the problem is the layer is the 'Background' and the 'image data' is all in the Alpha Channel only.
Not new to GIMP but never use it because I always hit a wall doing things almost immediately. I really want to learn this hench my question and not giving up.
I have an image, a .png file exported from Inkscape, that has the attached pics for 'Layers', 'Channels', and just a little of the actual image. From what I see and I think is the problem is the layer is the 'Background' and the 'image data' is all in the Alpha Channel only.
My issue is I want to erase some of this to simplify bits but as I said the 'image data' is in the Alpha Channel so I can not use erase and have it do anything. I see in the 'Undo Hostory' that it performs an Erase
I have tried all sorts of things from filters, copying/adding/deleting the layers/channels to another, breaking apart, converting into different file types, ... too many to list or remember and NOTHING I can do can allow me to erase some of the lines.
The question I am asking is how can I get the 'image info' into another channel or layer or format or ANYTHING that would allow me to erase some of those black lines to alpha? I know I have done this in the past but not constantly and can never figure out the 'why' I can't. I have been Googling for hours and it's just a strange thing to explain and type out for a search and all I get is basic stuff on the alpha channel that has not helped.
ANY help would very greatly be appreciated!!