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Changing background of image without hiding the text
I've tried to isolate the red as mentioned in to make a selection but the result is not crisp. Rescale the flag a little so it is about the dimension of the text panel. Put the rescaled flag image in the image with the text man (man is layer 2 / flag is layer 1). Set the layer 2 to 50% opacity so you can see the flag. Set the layer 2 to 100% opacity. Select layer 1 and transform the flag with the handle transform tool so it fit with the text board. Set the layer 2 to 100% opacity. Select layer 2. I suggest you make a selection of the red using the path tool and then convert the path to a selection ( in gimp : Select / To Path). If now delete the selected (delete button on keyboard) you see the flag under the text. I suggest to desaturate the layer with the man/textboard because there is some red visible arround the text panel. You have to make some shining on the flag that is now the color of the panel using the gimp paintbrush (use a new transparent layer).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Changing background of image without hiding the text - by denzjos - 09-22-2020, 06:37 PM

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