A technique with one of my scripts: ofn-path-filter-strokes that you will find there.
- Do a color selection on the text (using black of course). This selects the text, and the table
- Select>To path. This creates a path where each "stroke" encloses an area of white or black
- When you look at your page, the areas inside the strokes generated by the grid are much larger than the areas of the strokes generated by the text.
- Enters the script, that can filter strokes on various size criteria, one of them being area.
- Your text is about 50px high, so if you filter on an area that is 2500 pixels-square, you eliminate the strokes from the text, and only keep the ones from the grid.
- The script creates a new path with the small strokes removed. In the Path list, right click on it and Path to selection. This should create a selection on the table only.
- Select>Grow that selection by one pixel
- Bucket-fill with white