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Changing Adding Docks and Moving/Combining
See if you can use the procedures here: It is about moving the tabs around in Gimp 2.10

Quote:.. I just copy my preferences from the old set up to get it to have the same preferences.
But I am trying to install the program for my wife on her MAC and so of course I can't just copy over Windows preferences (or maybe I can not sure).

Not the whole gimp user profile but the window settings are held in the file sessionrc which is a text file. It should work in a Mac. Look in your Gimp User profile C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10

Similar sort of question yesterday I made a sessionrc file in linux for that Windows installation. There is also a video there on moving tabs / creating docks (although the opposite of what you want)

Your setup is exactly the same as mine. I use Gimp 2.10.20 but basically I like the Gimp 2.8 layout Wink I can post the sessionrc file for that, although better if you can figure out how to move the docks around yourself. Once you understand where the 'hot-spots' are it is easy.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Changing Adding Docks and Moving/Combining - by rich2005 - 10-02-2020, 07:04 PM

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