10-13-2020, 09:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2020, 11:26 AM by rich2005.
Edit Reason: typo
Quote:... But I need to put a design into this ready layered psd file for purpose of learning too.You really need to use Gimp, manipulating simple images before getting involved with more complex projects, however:
These PS templates seldom work 100% and this one is no different.
ref: https://i.imgur.com/jkMrdbW.jpg
1. Expand the layer groups and turn off the copyright layer visibility.
2. The highlights layer is in a non-compatible mode for Gimp, turn visibility off.
3. The 'sample' logo is in 'Change this' Get rid of it. Easiest way is use the eraser tool with a large brush size. Note this layer is only 860 x 860 pix That is the size for your mockup logo.
4. The black 'Change T-shirt color' layer is not suitable for your logo, bucket fill with white. Note the bucket fill tool option BG color fill.
ref: https://i.imgur.com/E5mBHAA.jpg
6. Lost 5 somewhere

7. With the 'Change this layer' active paste the copied logo in. Edit -> Paste
8. Anchor the resulting 'Floating' temporary layer into the 'Change This' layer
9. Gives this which might be ok for your purposes.
ref: https://i.imgur.com/ZG45tyN.jpg
10. The mockup can sometimes be improved by giving the logo the effect of following the folds in the cloth. Use Filters -> Map -> Displace
see: https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/gimp-filter-displace.html Use the shadows layer as the map and slightly adjust the Vertical displacement.
11. Different colours ? Fill the relevent layer to suit.
Edit: Important Gimp 2.10.20 (maybe .22) psd file handling is a bit buggy. Save your work as Gimp .xcf file.