(01-14-2021, 11:09 PM)Mac101 Wrote: I set the canvas to 36 * 30 inch to allow for side room .
the canvas stayed the same size and cut the image totally destroying it
There must be any easy way ? or is there a bug in the program ??
Ok I mange to resize the measurement are way off .
Now it inported the next image to a random area and . in the wrong Place.
How do I move it to the right place is there a way to slide the the image ?
sorry to complain I am sure its a great program But user friendly its not.
I've done quite a bit of what you are trying to do....although my method is sort of "the long way" compared to the instructions ofnuts gave you, let me share what works for me, and you decide if it's useful?
First open one of your typical .jpg images in gimp, and look at the top header to see what the image size is. Just pulling a number outof the air, lets say the size is 200 X 300 pixels. Since you want to arrange your assembled work with 2 rows of 4 sheets...add up your pixels.
At minimum your new sheet needs to be 800 (200x4) pixels wide by 600 (300x2) pixels tall.
So, create a new blank background image measuring just a little over that, to give you a little slack to play with. 850 x 650 ought to do just fine.
Next, open each of the 8 .jpgs you intend to assemble together You can use your selection box tool

Go back to your new 850 x 650 blank background sheet and then select "edit/ paste as/new layer"
The portion of the JPG image that you selected and copied should now be set on your big blank sheet. Use the "move" tool

Look over at the tall narrow box to the right of your work area, and you will see a notation about a pasted layer above the"background" layer. when you have your imported layer located exactly were you want it in the work area, then move your cursor over to the layers dialog on the far right.....and right click on the "pasted layer" dialog, and from the menu that pops up, select "merge down"....and that should anchor your pasted layer to the blank background.
Repeat all of these steps for each .JPG you intend to include on the background sheet.