(01-12-2021, 11:38 PM)Krikor Wrote: 1 - Layer - Crop to content - (With the cat layer selected)For me that was only step 1.
With step 2 being: Image → Crop to Selection
But thank you for the answer, as it made googling for this issue possible, since I knew the first step.
I have solved this problem.
(01-12-2021, 11:38 PM)Krikor Wrote: 2 - Check if:
►The image mode is in RGB and not in indexed mode: Image - Mode - RGB.
► Or if the layer mode with the cat is Normal.
Both images have "Image - Mode - RGB" and both layers are "Normal".
So, sadly this is not the solution.

(01-13-2021, 09:22 AM)Ofnuts Wrote:(01-12-2021, 10:32 PM)guest273 Wrote: 2) https://i.imgur.com/nJ7iHy4.png
I wanted to put my cat between those 2 hands, so it would look like they are holding my cat in a basket up.
I downloaded the hand image from here: https://assets.stickpng.com/images/580b5...7b29b4.png
Then I opened it in gimp and opened the image you can see in "1)" as a layer.
Why is the picture of my cat orange though? Even if I disable showing the hands layer. What kind of Mexico filer is that? How do I restore the colors for my cat?
The hands image is likely color-indexed (which is typical of GIF, but can also happen in PNG), so anything you add to it is coerced into the existing palette/color map.
Two solutions, either:
- Convert to full RGB before adding anything to it (Image>Mode>RGB)
- Work the other way around, add the hands to the cat's image (which is already full-RGB)
Ah, so that's what I was missing. Thank you for the explanation! It's now fixed!

(01-13-2021, 11:04 AM)rich2005 Wrote:Quote: I have no idea how the yellow-black lines are called in gimp language, but basically I don't want to have so much transparent background in the image with my cat. How do I shrink that box without shrinking the resolution of the image with my cat?...
The yellow lines are just a Gimp indicator. It is the layer boundary and with only one layer it is also the image size. These only exist in Gimp, can be turned off in the View menu but I advise keeping them. Reduce the image size ? Use the crop tool.
Quote:...I wanted to put my cat between those 2 hands, so it would look like they are holding my cat in a basket up...Finally got the 'hands' image and it is indeed indexed color mode and when open can be changed to RGB as previous post.
There is a mis-match in image size, however adding cat to hands might go like this. https://youtu.be/m5iask2oZ8I 3 minutes
Open hands image and change colour mode to RGB
Open-As-Layers the cat image to add the cat as a layer.
Move the cat layer under the hands layer
Scale the cat layer down to suit.
Some image size corrections. Image -> Fit Canvas to Layers
Crop the image to required size.
If those boundary layer marks worry you, use Layer -> Layer to image size.
You might be better off going the other way and adding hands to the cat and scaling the hands layer up.
OMG Richard this is great!
If you want you can publish this video (make it visible to others) on YouTube!
Although I managed to solve it by following the previous 2 posters it was an amazing feeling seeing a YouTube video made to show a fix for my problem!

I did actually opt for another image in the end, but I think I can and will use this one in some future project for sure.
I know forum administrators are usually hungry to close topics too early, but I consider both my issues resolved.