I think I may need to take a break. Time flies by, when I use Gimp, faster than seemingly any other task not related to real life. Many computer tasks seem arduous and time drags to a halt. Oftentimes, even while doing something as normally enjoyable as browsing the Internet, time kind of slows down.
Not with Gimp though. While doing anything in Gimp, I can be an hour into something, and I honestly think it's only been about 10 or 15 minutes.
Another indication I may be Gimping too much is that when watching television, I constantly see scenes that I think I could make better in Gimp.
I start thinking about what filter I would run on this or that image I see in a commercial or on a show. The font in that commercial looks outdated and it's not even centered or maybe it could use some stroking, etc...
I may see an old barn while driving or a building or even a tree, and think about how it would look better colorized in Gimp and could definitely use some curve and level adjustment. This or that street could do with some fresh stripes and some darkening of the asphalt.
Okay, "I" think I 've used I enough in one post and was just interested in if any of you have ever had times when Gimp was following you from the computer world over into the real world? I'm not asking for any psychological help
but am curious to know if you've ever used GIMP so much that you think about it away from a computer, tablet, or laptop screen?
Not with Gimp though. While doing anything in Gimp, I can be an hour into something, and I honestly think it's only been about 10 or 15 minutes.
Another indication I may be Gimping too much is that when watching television, I constantly see scenes that I think I could make better in Gimp.

I may see an old barn while driving or a building or even a tree, and think about how it would look better colorized in Gimp and could definitely use some curve and level adjustment. This or that street could do with some fresh stripes and some darkening of the asphalt.
Okay, "I" think I 've used I enough in one post and was just interested in if any of you have ever had times when Gimp was following you from the computer world over into the real world? I'm not asking for any psychological help