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GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue
I have installed V2.99.4 flatpak and can run this or V2.10.24 as I wish but not quite in the way suggested where you have to use a flatpak command to select the version that is to be run (beta or stable). If I use the command to select the beta version the Menu/Graphics/GNU Image Manipulation Entry always starts V2.10.24. To start V2.99.4 I have a bash script. I'm not sure that this is relevant to the issue noted below.

When I start V2.99.4 in a terminal window I see the following error message:

Gtk-Message: 17:32:23.772: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"

So far as I can tell I have this module installed (file usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/modules/ exists)

I have also taken the text for the Python Goat exercise and renamed all occurrences of 'goat' to 'goatee' and placed the file in a subfolder of the user plug-ins folder but it doesn't appear in the GIMP menus. Initially I made the mistake of placing it directly in the plug-ins folder and received a warning from GIMP - so it is looking in the user plug-ins folder.

The latest version of the python goat exercise script, as downloaded from the gitlab site, contains statements that it relies on Gimp 3.0 and GimpUi 3.0 - I have tried changing these to 2.99 since that is the beta version - this had no effect.

Has anybody else had more success in this respect?

I thought I would go through the scripts that I have written and those that I have downloaded from elsewhere and update them for GIMP 3 if I could (starting off by running them in V2.10.24 with the --pdb-compat-mode=warn option to report deprecated scripts). I have successfully updated all the .scm files - some run without a problem but many fail with the (known) error message about GimpObjectArray being an unknown return type - I think I just have to retest these when V2.99.6 becomes available. However, as noted above I have hit a problem with the .py files.

Messages In This Thread
GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue - by programmer_ceds - 04-22-2021, 04:49 PM
RE: GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue - by Ofnuts - 04-22-2021, 08:08 PM
RE: GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue - by Ofnuts - 04-22-2021, 10:18 PM
RE: GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue - by Ofnuts - 04-23-2021, 04:46 PM
RE: GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue - by Ofnuts - 04-25-2021, 04:59 PM
RE: GIMP V2.99.4 Flatpak Python Issue - by Ofnuts - 04-26-2021, 05:31 PM

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