(05-07-2021, 09:51 PM)programmer_ceds Wrote: The default settings (perhaps with the "Length of wings (LoW)" and "Brush thickness (BT)" fields edited to your liking) would give arrows where the length of the wings and thickness of the shaft are proportional to the length of the path.
If you want default settings that give all arrows with the same thickness of shaft and the same length of wings then you need to do three things (if you only want the occasional arrow using absolute pixel values then don't bother doing this just set the type fields from the default settings to pixel settings when running the script):
1. Set the "Length of wings (LoW)" and "Brush thickness (BT)" fields to the required length and thickness respectively in pixels
2. Swap the order of the options in the SF-OPTION controls so that the pixels value settings come first
3. Swap the values assigned to FACTOR_RELATIVE_TO_PATH_LENGTH and FACTOR_IN_ABSOLUTE_PIXELS (so that these are 1 and 0 respectively, rather than 0 and 1 as they are in the script as posted)
Hope this helps.
In practice I noticed no difference in terms of results if I adjust the same settings in both versions of this script.
But it seems that with this update improvements have been made for future versions of the Gimp, and this is always welcome.
However, I liked better the results with the settings created by rich2005 and taught in post #1.
I also made the suggested changes between quotas, leaving the script pretty much as it was before (same defaults).
It is working great!
Thanks for the improvements!
P.S: In the PDF accompanying the script documentation the date of the last update appears to be on 01/15/2018.