(06-27-2021, 10:53 AM)cli345 Wrote: ..snip... I also use the "difference of gaussians (legacy) (I've used it in "Comic book"). I don't know how to obtain the same result with the GEGL version(I've made many tries).
Have a look through the gmic filters for possible replacements: This one of the samj filters. All variables either min or max so no great choice is a problem. There might be other suitable filters. https://i.imgur.com/Ikob5rV.jpg Edit: A quick browse through testing & a couple of possibilities: Joan Rake gradient norm / Naggobot smooth sketch .
In anticipation of the next release of gmic you might want to check out this from david tschumperle https://discuss.pixls.us/t/bug-latest-gm...24/25607/7 about syntax