Quote: I'm using the PNG file for what i need to do..
That's fine, png supports transparency, jpgs generally do not although photoshop can use a non-standard format with a 'clipping path', however for a line drawing I do not think you will have one of those. In photoshop I think it goes like: jpeg -> select background -> invert -> paste into transparent layer -> save as png..
If the (RGB - colour printing) image appears black in Gimp but prints blue that usually means the printer has run out of yellow ink

Quote:all my other files that I've purchased with transparent backgrounds, has the nice clear subject/image sitting on top of the checkerboard "transparent" layer. When i open her PNG file, it looks like the subject/image is behind the checkerboard transparent layer, if you know what I mean.
I do know what you mean. The image in photoshop was semi-transparent before exporting to a png. What you can try:
1. Open png image
2. Duplicate layer Layer -> Duplicate Layer
3. Put the layer into 'Merge' mode (optional)
4. Layer -> New from Visible to combine.
5. Desaturate to remove any remnants of colour from the original scan.
The image is still RGB and you can add your colour embelishments.
All that in a 30 second demo. This stared off from a jpg scan to 50% opacity png. From that point: https://i.imgur.com/3oWOz0e.mp4