(08-28-2021, 07:36 PM)K31thw Wrote: Am still feeling my way around Linux and, although I love it, it can be very frustrating.
On that note, you might not know how appimage are working (and I forgot to mention it).
Once you've downloaded it don't click on it to launch it, but instead RIGHT click on it > Properties > tab "Permissions" and tick "Allow executing file as a program" > Click OK,
Now you can launch it normally with a left click

You can have the appimage and the PPA at the same time on your system, they just won't work at the same time, close one and you will be able to open the other one and vice versa, if you click on the appimage while the PPA is open (or vice-versa), your system will just highlight the GIMP which is already open, so no worries to have