(09-24-2021, 03:52 PM)alain.roger Wrote: In fact I use the standard ppa to get Gimp
Working backwards
ubuntu 21.04 = 'hirsute' The default package for hirsute is 2.10.22 see: https://packages.ubuntu.com/hirsute/graphics/
...so for gimp 2.10.28 it must come from somewhere else
The options:
A flatpak gimp: see https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ and Install GIMP flatpak
A snap version using the ubuntu software center. If you use this it could be the problem.
That PPA for an alternative GIMP (2.10.28) installation is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+...buntu/gimp
If you want that, follow the directions top of the web page. "Adding this PPA ..." Is this the one you use ?
That is the one I currently use with kubuntu 20.04 not sure how it works with 21.04.
IMHO the 'failsafe' is the flatpak version.