Quote:.....The pixel is located at 178, 95 where the merged color is 7c007c on the top layer and 7f007f on the problem layer which is the correct color.....
A bit more methodical this time, set a sample point at 178,95 which gives the 7c007c value
Put the top layer into dissolve mode and you might get the required value 7f007f without degrading the bits we can not see

The real problem is why the RGB values in transparency. You mentioned PSP Did anything originate there, or from some other graphics application?
Quote: The fix should be simple, select the black area which will pick up the transparent pixels also, then tell Gimp to remove the transparency. I don't see a way of doing that. Is it possible to do? I don't feel like putting in another 20 hours redrawing my images I have started.
Nothing is ever simple, I went down that route, You can try it. Not 100% effective
Select -> Invert
Edit -> Cut
Nope was not that one it was: Color -> Color-to-Alpha
Click in the white and use the resulting selector to select the 'transparency'
Should have cleared everything but a few traces remained. R 4 G 0 B 2