(10-11-2021, 09:23 PM)zeuspaul Wrote: My reference to fine tuning a selection box was in reference to Lightroom. I manage my image files in an old stand alone version (I don't want any software that requires a subscription). I do some preliminary editing in Lightroom before exporting to Gimp. Their crop function doesn't allow for zooming. I haven't mastered crop in Gimp yet I get confused with the way it works, not the mouse. Most of my current work involves merging images together to 16x9 format suitable for viewing on a TV or 16x9 computer monitor as a slide show. I prefer images to fit the screen.
I crop a lot with Gimp mostly when an image exceeds the canvas. It is a simple task for me to place a selection around the entire image that exceeds the canvas and select image>>crop to selection. I also use the canvas size to crop. Simply resize the canvas to an exact size, move the image into position and then export a PNG. I then undo a few times to get back to where I was, then import the PNG with the portion of the image I want to have.
Oh... I did like lightroom a lot, when I was on mac many years ago, it was a very nice software. If one day you want to switch to a free and open source, I would recommend Darktable, it's a bit of a learning curve, even though it's quite closed to Lightroom, but it's really worth it and there are plenty tutorials out there. In the same range I love Lightzone, but it's a completely different approach though(even if it look like lightroom), but once you understand it and how you can fine tune each color, light and so... but it's another topic, let's get back on track

I have a good news for your, you do not need to undo few time once you've cropped.
When you crop, un-tick the "Delete cropped pixels", export, then once exported you just have to do Image > Fit canvas to layer
If you did un-tick the "Delete cropped pixels" and save it when it was cropped, then close it, yes... it will keep the full image

Another tip, is about when you merge layers then Ctrl+Z many times, you do not need to merge layer, right click on the top layer in the stack (or anywhere, but just to keep a clean stack) and select New from Visible , you will have a new layer called "Visible" about what you are seeing in the layer's stack
(10-11-2021, 09:23 PM)zeuspaul Wrote: I took a brief look at Wacom and it definitely will take more research. The first thing that scared me away was the need for a battery. Also I prefer a standard USB wired connection. I also need something that works well while I sit back in my chair with my feet on the desk.
Oooh I understand you, I broke 4 chairs in the past 5 or 6 years that way