(10-13-2021, 03:14 PM)DebraW Wrote:(10-13-2021, 07:03 AM)PixLab Wrote:Quote: I'm trying to create a new palette, but keep getting this error message:
Failed to save data:
You have a writable data folder configured (/Users/debrawilcox/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.10/palettes), but this folder does not exist. Please create the folder or fix your configuration in the Preferences dialog's 'Folders' section.
I called AppleCare, but they said it was a GIMP issue. I tried re-installing GIMP, but am still getting the error. Does anyone know what I should do to correct this?
Thank you
In finder open /Users/debrawilcox/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.10/
then create a new folder or directory (I don't recall the Apple naming) and name that new folder "palettes" (all in minuscule aka lower case as in the error link)
re-start GIMP
Even if it's a GIMP problem (which seems to be), IMHO Apple's care was not nice, they could have told you this very simple fix...
Thank you for your reply. I found the Users/debrawilcox before, but there's no Library folder and it doesn't let me add folder. When I spoke to Apple support, they said that GIMP should have created the Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.10/ That's why I re-installed, thinking that maybe it got deleted by accident. Any other thoughts? Thank you.
Sorry i don't recall Mac as it something that 6 years now I'm not anymore on Mac (I left mac at Yosemite, if I recall well) so you might need to open the folder/directory "2.10" as administrator... right click > Open as administrator > then create that folder.
But... yes already at this time Library was written as "~Library" or "~/Library" (note the tilde ~ ) which should be similar as any *nix system but Mac did something to it and "Library" (I don't even recall if with "Lion" the different behavior with that ~ was already there, but I recall that in snow leopard it was a normal behavior(if I can say that))
Or try go to you "Application" folder and on the "GIMP app" do a right click and then (I don't recall, sorry about that) "open as a folder" or alike wording and then search inside
@rich2005 might be able to help you for the path or wording (or any right click menu), as he might have a macOS virtualbox or similar (he surely have

You can also open "terminal" and go inside your folder tree, "cd foldername" to enter a folder, "ls" to list what inside a folder, thus seeing your next "cd foldername" then once you're inside the "2.10" directory/folder write in terminal "mkdir palettes" (all those command without quotes)
mkdir palettes > means "MaKe DIRectory" > named "palettes"
cd directoryname > means Change Directory to go to "directoryname"
ls > means LiSt (what's inside the directory you are in)
Sorry to get on that way, but I don't recall Mac, BUT all terminal command I gave are good to use on mac

In the end you just need to create that directory/folder named "palettes" as GIMP is searching for it, that's all, and I'm kind of frustrated that for a so simple fix "wording" and a "~" interfere with it

find application support > Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a10BiE9t7RY or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLGctNSzYRs
@rich2005 we need you for a user friendly inter-action