I forgot, in GIMP your best friend for the veil is Filters ➤ Render ➤ Pattern ➤ Grid... 
Drag n drop the layer from GIMP directly in a new already opened image in Krita's layer stack (don't do Krita to GIMP, but save as png or PSD then open in GIMP once transformed)
Krita's mesh tool with a quick example of a grid made in GIMP
(you do need to learn keys modifier, multiple control point selection, add columns and rows on the fly ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLXWynZT_8s it's worth it

Drag n drop the layer from GIMP directly in a new already opened image in Krita's layer stack (don't do Krita to GIMP, but save as png or PSD then open in GIMP once transformed)
Krita's mesh tool with a quick example of a grid made in GIMP
(you do need to learn keys modifier, multiple control point selection, add columns and rows on the fly ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLXWynZT_8s it's worth it