11-30-2021, 08:57 AM
Quote:so it would be better if the problem of it not loading can be addressed instead of the condesending attitude about
my ability to find things and rehashing what should be happening
Not condescending, other Gimp users will maybe want to use this plugin and come across this thread, some useful pointers like using the Gimp 2.10 search function. I went out of my way to make that video using Windows, I am hurt, only joking

Quote:I've done all that, and thought I clearly explained what the situation is, I guess that has not been understood.
basically for some unknown reason gimp is not recognizing and loading the plugin.
There can be reasons for a python plugin not loading,
In linux the gimp-python module might be missing or the plugin not executable.
It will be there for Windows. Sometimes a user will put a zip straight into plug-ins instead of unpacking first. Sometimes the path to the plugins folder gets erased, not in your case, I see the screenshot.
Up to you as a user to check, try other python plugin and see if it works. There are one or two built into Gimp, see if Filters -> Web -> Slice shows up.
The next step is running Gimp from a terminal to see if / what error messages occur and if you see anything, copy and post it here.
When it gets to the stage of never-working-for-you then might be the time to suggest other methods. The vector editing application Inkscape has tools to put text along a path. Either the whole project using Inkscape, or just the text and import the svg into Gimp.