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Filling transparent area with color
(12-01-2021, 09:31 PM)Domarius Wrote: Cool, I updated the post with some screenshots to help you.

With your tips it only took me a few minutes to get what I needed.  Here's what I have and how I use it.  I shoot deep space astrophotography from the field on the other side
of our back fence.  It's a large park as you could probably see in the original panorama.

The quality of the image and the fine trees really doesn't matter.  What it does it let me use this landscape in my planetarium so I can plan for what objects I want
to shoot and when they will become unobstructed by trees on the east side.  I have the rotation as perfect as it needs to be with lat lon plus altitude and it gives me a real
good idea what the sky will be like when I advance the time.

One thing that is kind of odd is the original top horizontal border for the panorama.  I still see that line but it does not interfere with the view and the stars, galaxies etc.
They still show through.

My image size was set to 2048 with a canvas size of 1024 so increasing that would probably give me "better resolution" if I wanted it.
In the screen shot here I have the pointer (circle) set on Polaris which is where we always line up our scope so tracking with the sky is correct.
I know that Polaris is right above one particular tree.

Again I appreciate the tips.  I tried this process about a year ago and while I did have something in the planetarium it was a really odd or obscure image, probably 
because I used the camera panorama mode instead of shooting individual pics like I did this time.

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RE: Filling transparent area with color - by Dan Bryan - 12-02-2021, 01:53 AM

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