(12-05-2021, 09:18 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Are you really using Gimp 2.10.4 - that is very old, the current is 2.10.28This is to all who post. Don't just post a quote and nothing else, it is really annoying
*****snipped the whole quote**********
40 second demo of that https://i.imgur.com/GgWERhC.mp4
Post a screenshot of the whole Gimp interface for a better answer.
...and I am old-school when you do quote just quote the relevant bits ;

Thanks for your quick reply Rich! - BTW, sorry for typo, I'm running Gimp 2.10.24
The images I wish to apply the bottom black band to are processed through darktable ( as .jpg at full size (20MP Nikon D73500)
The images have only one layer, most of my editing is done in dt
my process for each image is:
1> resize image from imported size to 930x1350 (portrait) or 2120x1350 (landscape)
2> go to IMAGE>CANVAS SIZE, increase canvas by 50PX at bottom edge, set canvas color to BACKGROUND COLOR (set to Black)
3> Previously, this would result in a 50PX BLACK band appearing at the bottom of the image (now 1400PX tall)
4> Yesterday, this band started to show only transparency (my temporary work-around is to create a new layer - [set to Black Background], move it to bottom and enter my title and date in White type)
IF it is relevant, in Preferences:
CANVAS SIZE DIALOG> Fill with BACKGROUND COLOR / Resize Layers NONE (this setting is being ignored, canvas extension is Transparent)
NEW LAYER DIALOG> Layer Name BLANK / Fill Type BACKGROUND COLOR (this background color is applied as one would expect)
The workaround isn't a problem, but I can't figure out WHY the program no longer applies the background color to the resized canvas area. I've gone through all of my preferences and don't see any other options that may cause this change, and I had not made any changes in preferences.
The only system changes/updates made prior to the change in behavior was a Windows update, but it's hard to imagine that that has only effected this one small change in Gimp's behavior...
Looking forward to any insights you might have,
Thanks for your suggestions, but most didn't seem to apply to my problem. I did check into the possible canvas boundary suggestion, but that wasn't an issue...