(08-04-2017, 12:06 PM)grit Wrote: I have drawn rectangle with border set to 5. I would like to draw another one with the same border size. Is it possible to repeat it without going to border setting every time ?
Edit: Ahh.. possible snag Same size rectangle or different dimensions with same size border.
Same size is straight forward, more than one way.
First thing, always best to use more layers than you think necessary.
That rectangle, make it on a new layer, then crop to just that size, Layer -> Autocrop
If you then copy that Select -> Select all, Edit -> Copy it becomes the clipboard brush, first entry in the brushes dialogue.
Make a new layer, use the paint or pencil tool.
Use the little yellow arrow to set to size and use that as a 'stamp'
example: http://i.imgur.com/HOUVUP5.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/o5Vx8A1.jpg
Another way, make your auto-cropped layer, duplicate the layer as many times as needed. Move layers as required. Note: you need to click on a solid part otherwise you will be moving the background. Any problems moving, enable move active layer and make the layer you need active.
example: http://i.imgur.com/Lz04kJy.jpg
Which also takes you to the align tool, not so easy to use description is here:
https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-align.html Plenty videos on youtube for that.
edit: another way - assign a key shortcut to Stroke Selection select-stroke-last-value Normally disabled.
That will stroke any selection with the same size stroke on a keypress. screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Lgxnj0z.jpg