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Slicing by guidelines actually on an image
Having thought yep that will work here is a different way
Got your image open select paintbrush tool with brush 'block 01'
> goto tool options (experiment what looks best) tool options adjust size and adjust spacing
> click just outside the image then click again hold down shiftkey goto where end of line is tobe and just outside image release left mouse
> to get your lines correct for the guides look at the bottom left corner that has the co-ordinates
> drag down and across the guide lines > sliced > Export as

that's another way, with gimp there's always another way

I hope this helps you.

edit for sharper cleaner (it's an antialiasing thing going on) looking lines try the pencil also different brushes, whit time and enthusiasm experiment, Enjoy the Gimp.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Slicing by guidelines actually on an image - by Redraw - 12-09-2021, 05:10 AM

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