02-20-2022, 08:52 PM
(02-20-2022, 07:11 PM)Corsari Wrote: Around the web you read pages where they say same jpg image same quality in webp will be significantly smaller
Well I tried with Gimp exporting to webp and the result is not smaller
Depends upon the process. The more you give .webp to work with, then the better your results ...If you are taking an image that is already compressed as a .jpg and converting that to .webp and expecting a considerable reduction in file size, you likely are not going to be very impressed.
But taking a full resolution .png image and converting it to .webp, you are going to be impressed with how much smaller the end file size compared to the same image converted to .jpg ...and the .webp is going to look better.
Just as a comparison I just took a 286 KB .png image, and converted it to a 62 Kb .jpg, compared to the same image converted to a 36 KB .webp
Mostly I use .webp for animations. An .mpg video clip that converts to 35 MB as a gif, instead reduces to only about 13 MB as a .webp...and additionally there is not that insane limitation to only 256 colors that you get with .gif.
So, I use .webp for qualitative reasons, and not just for file size.