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project smaller image into a bigger one
Thank you very much, rich2005 for your quick reply and the tips!
I have learned something new, thank you for that!
If you take a look at the background image, it alreary contains the logo image,but stretched and with dark blue color - this is what I am trying to reach - the logo image stretched on a new background image with exactly the same colors ( blue and dark blue) as the exisiting background image and the same size, as the existing background image.
Can you help me to do this?
One more question - I would like to have a bigger distance between the symbol and the text in the logo image, making the image a bit higher and keep the transparency.
I can try to delete the text (even that I am not sure how to do that - with the eraser tool maybe?) and to add new text box underneat the symbol, but I need to increase the hight of the image before adding text.
Last question - how to edit the symbol in the image in order to change it a little bit - the idea is to make it more similar to "LM" letters, but some kind of enigmatic, mysterious.

Messages In This Thread
RE: project smaller image into a bigger one - by Lucky - 08-16-2022, 09:39 PM

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