(08-20-2022, 06:09 PM)rich2005 Wrote: That is why the autosave plugin uses Gimp .xcf format. Are you a refugee from PSBest keep the images in Gimp format rather than psd, at least text remains text.
The attached (adapting my old 2013 version) just dumps the file to a filename+longindexnumber.xcf The index comes from the time in seconds from (I think 1970) Long but at least it is unique. Works the same as the quicksave.py Find it in Tools -> Save to xcf
I'm more than a refugee from PS, or worse depending on how you see it, I simply started to edit pictures as an amateur and decided to use Gimp right away. Barely ever touched PS to begin with. And i rarely save any .xcf files unless it's a big project or something i know i'm gonna go back to. For small edits, I simply save the image or several versions of it, and scrap the project afterward.
Gimp's been really useful and enough for what i do, but the fact that it's always been impossible to do something as simple as easily exporting the image you're working on as a copy of the original image (or of the previous version you just exported) is the biggest mystery to me. Why does it have to be so painful? Especially how long it takes for Gimp to open a folder with many files in it. Why is it not implemented in the software without needing any plugin?
We would simply have those 3 options available (instead of 2), it will cover basically 100% of the situations anyone could face :
Export to "ImageName.jpg" ( Will overwrite if same name is found in the folder )
Export to "ImageName.jpg" ( Will rename if same name is found in the folder ) <----- (n+1) if there is already an ImageName(n), like windows explorer does
Export As...
And that's it. I don't understand how is it not the norm. That's just beyond me because how useful that would be.
Anyway, I thank you guys for your solutions. I'm gonna try those out, hoping i will find what i'm looking for. But it's a shame that the average user, like me, can't have access to this simple option right away without having to search on the internet for plugins. Even worse, homemade plugins, that i'm grateful you've shared here, but that 99.99% of users are unlikely to ever find.
Quote:Quote:...But I'd have to remember to put everything into one layer before save and then undo it again.In Gimp that is Layer -> New from Visible
Indeed, forgot that existed. It should work well with your plugin then. Imma test this. Thanks.