08-22-2022, 11:03 PM
(08-22-2022, 07:49 PM)Krikor Wrote: After reading rich2205's post at:
The very practical way in which the area was selected (demonstrated in Link --➤ https://i.imgur.com/4QTyMtL.mp4 ) left me thinking: "Wow, how has this never been so easy for me!? "
So today I decided to try this new way to get a screenshoot, but I found that my Gimp doesn't have the same tools as those used by rich2005.
There is simply no option "Select a region to grab".
01-Screenshot in the rich2005 Gimp;
02-Screenshot in my Gimp.
Would this option come from a Gimp configuration? From a script/plugin?
How could I make this option available in my Gimp?
Thanks for clarification
Possibly OS-dependent. Rich is on Linux. Personally, despite being also on Linux, I don't use Gimp (which doesn't work too well anyway), and instead use Spectacle that has interesting features, such as remembering the captured screen coordinates from shot to shot, so you can easily document a series of steps.