(10-05-2022, 12:45 PM)rich2005 Wrote: I think all you are missing is turning the selection off. Select -> None
Remember a mask is a "window" and needs something under it. A selection applies to all layers so for a photograph, this: https://i.imgur.com/hf2Omwx.jpg Don't worry about my setup, I detached the layers dock for a better view.
Then killing the selection after adding the layer mask. https://i.imgur.com/8nAo3QH.jpg
The text layer can be anywhere above the images in the layer stack. One thing to note is adding a drop shadow creates a layer that is no longer text. https://i.imgur.com/43mzirs.jpg If you want to keep the text as text (as a backup), duplicate the layer and make it non-visible.
You are a star. Cant believe thats all i was missing was the select none part. I have restarted this picture twice already