thank you for your responsiveness 
(Honestly, I don't really understand what I'm doing. I'm not a coder.)
I tried the different "png export" the only one that does not crash my code is "file-png-save-defaults".
But it gives me a script that runs in a loop and always outputs .gimp files and not .png files
The obtimal format for the engine is 512*512px, so I cut the whole thing for each export.
Each project involves small variations / retouching of this image.
Working on the set is very convenient in my case.
But exporting 10 images manually each time is unnecessarily painful.
Your scripts seem rather suitable yes.
I would be interested in seeing this, at least to understand the structure of the code.
If you want to share I take it with joy

(10-24-2022, 04:19 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: Merging all layers can be done with gimp-image-flatten (but this also removes any transparency).Too bad I really need transparency..
(10-24-2022, 04:19 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: The equivalent to the "slice using guides" in the UI is plugin-guillotineGood thing , it's work !
(Honestly, I don't really understand what I'm doing. I'm not a coder.)
Quote:gimp-file-save saves the image in whatever format is given as an extension (so as PNG if the file names ends with .png). You can also for a PNG save with gimp-png-save or file-png-save2. Note that all the save operation to "flat" files (PNG, JPG...) only apply to the specified layer.
I tried the different "png export" the only one that does not crash my code is "file-png-save-defaults".
But it gives me a script that runs in a loop and always outputs .gimp files and not .png files
(define (script-fu-save-png Image layer)
(let* ((i (car (gimp-image-list)))
(while (> i 0)
(set! image (vector-ref (cadr (gimp-image-list)) (- i 1)))
(plug-in-guillotine RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
(car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1))
(file-png-save-defaults RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
(car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1))
(car (gimp-image-get-filename image))
(car (gimp-image-get-filename image)))
(gimp-image-clean-all image)
(set! i (- i 1)))))
"<Image>/File/Save PNG & Exit"
"Save PNG file and exit GIMP."
"October 2017"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
Quote:This said, I have the gut feeling that this is the wrong way .... layers (so this would be you "flatten, slice and save").I create textures that are used in several projects. On a large image of 2048*1536 pixels.
The obtimal format for the engine is 512*512px, so I cut the whole thing for each export.
Each project involves small variations / retouching of this image.
Working on the set is very convenient in my case.
But exporting 10 images manually each time is unnecessarily painful.
Your scripts seem rather suitable yes.
I would be interested in seeing this, at least to understand the structure of the code.
If you want to share I take it with joy