(09-13-2017, 04:36 PM)rich2005 Wrote: welcome to gimp-forum.net
There is a tool for creating grids Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Grid.
Then it is a matter of setting the values up.
This example gives 4 x 4 so you will need to adjust values to suit your layout
https://youtu.be/mcgoL_I4kis 5 minutes
Should be enough there to get you going
Thank you. Someone suggested this forum, I started using gimp just a couple days ago but i've been seeing many tutorials and video lessons and googling and reading the manual. I know that there are many ways to get there and I found a way (ugly) to get what I wanted because I need to finish fast, but I wanted to learn how to do the 'easy' clean way. When I saw a youtube link I thought - ok, maybe a video from youtube that i didn't saw before (and I gave a +1)... Well, it looks like you record on purpose and I really learned a lot about the grid and other tools for future needs. Thank you and congrats to this forum community