01-09-2023, 07:42 PM
Hi, I'm a gimp novice & would appreciate some help. I have 2 photos: a nice portrait with a poor background & a photo with a lovely lighthouse & bay at dusk. Using intelliigent sissors I've clipped the person's portrait in first photo & have it as a layer w/checkerboard background. I have the background photo as a layer & then position the portrait into the photo w/lighthouse background. The background photo has the flashing dotted lines of the portrait silhouette but image isn't completely visible only the very bottom of the portrait which I moved to get the lighthouse into view, even when I "chain" them together. The portrait & the background are where I want them but cant seem to get the entire portrait to become visible. Could someone please suggest a solution as this is my first time gimping or perhaps order of ops from the beginning. Please be overly explicit in explaining. Thank you!!