(02-28-2023, 09:38 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Got to keep a sense of proportion about this
Gimp can do the arithmetic for you and trim the excess when complete: https://imgur.com/jdBqMy1.mp4 showing 51 pix strips
Yes, you can do the arithmetic in gimp, nice trick by the way, but very few of us knows that GIMP's capability

Next I'll try to speak about average users

Very few of us knows about this GIMP's ability, and even if we know, we won't do it while using the script,
because our mind is focusing/set on the result that should happen while using the script, thus, or we give up after few warning, or it will take few tries before that GIMP's ability comes to our mind or open the calculator if ever we do..
Not even sure about the later, because after the first alert/warning, our mind will start tunneling (getting narrow minding? if I can say that) and the tunneling will get narrower after each warning/alert.
This very thing happened to me! I searched for another solution, even I knew GIMP can do the arithmetic...
this GIMP's ability did not came to my mind while trying the script > warning > tunnel > warning > tunnel narrower > 2 more times > in the end I just wanted to delete the script...
Is it a nice script? Oh yes, I have nothing to say about it, it's a nice one, just that "hey calculate the multiple or the script won't work" ... 3-5 times in a row > people are gone already searching for something else.
Just a point of view/thought