(04-08-2023, 07:17 PM)Punchcard Wrote: I claim they don't work. E.g., selection with the Fuzzy Tool is deranged. Selection with "by Color" selects on the wrong layer.
You can claim whatever you want, the tools are working perfectly, it does not select the the wrong layer... until you tell it to "Sample merged" => which is a mix between ALL visible layers, or your "Select by" is on the wrong mode.
Also the tuto you've found is not a good one, as a rule of thumb, when a tuto start by "Gimp doesn’t have all the tools Photoshop does"(*), it means those people does not have even a slight idea about what GIMP can do, thus just go away from those.

Proof, I do exactly in GIMP what he said GIMP cannot.
a 40-second video > https://imgur.com/onIqa4u
(*) This is true, but you can say that GIMP has some tools that Photoshop does not have