(05-29-2023, 04:26 AM)gazza Wrote: Unfortuately I cannot download a better photo, but the grasses and the rock are great colours but the sky is overexposed.
We do not have the same definition of "great colours", I mean did you check the picture you did upload? It's "B&W" with plenty colored artifacts
To replace a sky, many way to do it (might have been better to have the original),
below 3 different methods
1) Colors > Color to Alpha with a blue sky underneath the layer you're using the color to alpha
2) duplicate and use the duplicate to make a mask by darkening the darks and whiten the whites whith Colors > Levels / Curves or Duplicate and Threshold (Colors > Threshold), then use the mask on your main photo to let a layer with a beautiful sky underneath appear, blur / sharpen the mask to smooth or shapen the edges
3) a quick third method that I hate but beginners love, put underneath a blue sky, then select the white part of the sky and delete it,
then to fine tune: Alpha to Selection > Select > Feather... to fine tune the smoothing selection gradient then hit the delete key (Ctrl+Z wil be your friend with this method as it's all trial and error with this method)
In the end, it might have been better to get the original photo, as even more different methods could be done. and maybe no need to remove the sky, just enhancing the original one might even be better