06-16-2023, 07:50 AM
Trying to follow your workflow, and more questions than answers 
OK, except after making / applying the selection turn the selection OFF. You might have to leave that until after the next bit.
Which 'box' ? Is this a layer mask ? You can not apply the GEGL shadow to a masked layer. Apply the layer mask first, Layer -> Mask -> Apply Layer Mask Otherwise greyed out.
Not sure what that means.
The GEGL Drop Shadow / Long Shadow has a "Clipping" option Set it to "Adjust"
All depends on your image but it might go like this https://imgur.com/K5aOQ3S.mp4

Quote:I open GIMP>OPEN AS LAYER> select .jpg file. Then I use the SCALE tool to "enlarge" the file. After that, I click on ADD ALPHA CHANNEL. Then select FUZZY tool.
OK, except after making / applying the selection turn the selection OFF. You might have to leave that until after the next bit.
Quote:After that, I select the box next to the one that shows the object. I use that one to do the "erasing" of the bacground. Sometimes the DROP SHADOW/LONG SHADOW options are greyed out.
Which 'box' ? Is this a layer mask ? You can not apply the GEGL shadow to a masked layer. Apply the layer mask first, Layer -> Mask -> Apply Layer Mask Otherwise greyed out.
Quote:But if I select the box (in LAYERS) showing the object, the background won't erase.
Not sure what that means.
Quote:The other problem is....if I DO get the shadows to work.....it's cutoff ( I used the LAYER BOUNDARY SIZE / LAYER TO IMAGE SIZE).
The GEGL Drop Shadow / Long Shadow has a "Clipping" option Set it to "Adjust"
All depends on your image but it might go like this https://imgur.com/K5aOQ3S.mp4