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Divide straight line with "notches" (e.g. graph scale)
I think that the solution has been presented (even a couple of options!) However, I'm utterly failing to install/find the utility. I should note that I've never used a plugin or script before in GIMP. Any chance anyone can help me debug this? (Perhaps relevant, I'm using GIMP 2.10.30)

I've tried to follow the user guide notes that I found, but could easily have missed something. Here are the steps I followed:

1) download the zip. I got a file:
2) extract the contents and copy it into my scripts directory (I also copied it to the Plugins directory first because I thought it was a plug in) Below, I hope, describes the result most effectively:
$ ls -l /home/simon/snap/gimp/393/.config/GIMP/2.10/scripts
total 12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 simon simon 10499 Jul 13 14:03

But I can't find how to start the tool. The help info suggests it might show up under a menu, but there are lots and I've failed to find it there. Help also suggests using a "search actions" feature, but if I try "between" in that, I get nothing:


I'm guessing I'm missing something very basic, but I've not found any advice on this in help (it's hard to look for "nothing happens"  Big Grin )

Can anyone guide me?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Divide straight line with "notches" (e.g. graph scale) - by TobyEggitt - 07-14-2023, 03:28 PM

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