You can report it... but it has been that way for over 10 years. In practice, all the PDB calls are automatically generated from the script-fu API, so their doc is auto-generated from the script-fu doc. So you learn to make mental adjustments:
- In the PDB browser the function names use the script-fu convention naming scheme with dashes: gimp-context-set-foreground when the Python function takes underscores: gimp_context_set_foreground (because dahses aren't valid in Python identifiers)
- Ids (image id, layer id...) are replaced by the object itself.
- Consequence of the above, the equivalent of 0 or -1 that denotes "no object" for Gimp is None that says "no object" in Python)
- Integers 0/1 used as booleans are replaced by the more Pythonic True/False
- When the first position parameter of a call is the run mode ( RUN_INTERACTIVE, etc...), it is replaced by the run_mode keyword argument.
- I may be forgetting some more, but when you see them they make sense in light of the above.