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Saving lost anchors placed by paths tool?
Okay, so this has happened to me a few times. Recently, I used the paths tool to target a woman's hair in an image to swap colors and change the hair color. I spent maybe 10-15 minutes meticulously placing anchors to place a selection by paths so I'd only make changes to the hair. I feel comfortable with all the work I put in and then mistakingly select "Rotate Colors" before selecting "to paths." I realize my error when all the colors in the image are changing instead of what I...failed to click select>from path. I back out and all of my 100+ anchors are now gone and all that work lost.

My question is, is there an option to undo this somewhere? To undo my blunder and save the 100+ carefully placed anchors that I just lost?

Messages In This Thread
Saving lost anchors placed by paths tool? - by Nimarus - 08-22-2023, 11:36 PM

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