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open pdf so that pages are layers and order of layers is reversed order of pages
From time to time I use GIMP 2.10.8 for creating animated .gif-files from .pdf files so that when viewing the .gif-file every two seconds another page of the document is visible.

When importing the .pdf-file and hereby selecting "Open pages as layers" each page of the .pdf-file is a layer on its own.

The problem is:

Assume the .pdf-file has n pages.

After importing:

Layer 1 has name "1" and shows page 1 of the document.
Layer 2 has name "2" and shows page 2 the document.
Layer n-1 has name "n-1" and shows page n - 1 of the document.
Layer n has name "n" and shows page n of the document.

When exporting this as .gif-file, then the animation starts with page n of the document and ends with page 1 of the document.
I. e., the animation shows the pages of the document in reversed order.

Thus, for the .gif-animation to begin with page 1 of the document and to end with page n of the document, reversing the layer order before exporting is needed.

By now, after importing the .pdf-file,  I click "Layer" - "Stack" - "Reverse Layer Order" and I get:

Layer 1 has name "n" and shows page n of the document.
Layer 2 has name "n-1" and shows page n - 1 of the document.
Layer n-1 has name "2" and shows page 2 the document.
Layer n has name "1" and shows page 1 of the document.

When exporting this as .gif-file, then the animation starts with page 1 of the document and ends with page n of the document.


Is there a possibility to have the layer order reversed automatically at the time of importing the .pdf-file, without the need of doing so much clicking?

Messages In This Thread
open pdf so that pages are layers and order of layers is reversed order of pages - by Cattleya - 09-06-2023, 06:59 PM

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