(09-11-2023, 07:05 PM)guest273 Wrote: Here (on the left) is the briefcase that they used in the movie Pulp Fiction to make it shine when the character Vincent opens it.
No it is not that model!
I just did a screenshot > this is the briefcase!
As you can see, it is not the same

But we do know the brand when Vincent is opening it > it's Franzen, thus you can take any opened briefcase with a golden color inside and without the need to remove lightbulb + material, like here > https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/JxMAAOSwl...-l1600.jpg

Or do a search like this > https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=...e&tbm=isch, you will find WAY BETTER quality pictures and nothing to remove inside
